Aerobic Systems
- Can treat moderate COD waste < 2,000 mg/L more efficiently
- Better removal of fats, oils & grease
- Ammonia oxidation (ammonia removal)
- Good for many xenobiotic compounds
- Less susceptible to low temperatures
- More biosolids produced per unit of COD removed
- Higher electricity costs for aeration
- Not as efficient at treating high soluble COD loadings
Anaerobic System (with methane production)
- Low biosolids production (a full magnitude lower)
- Methane can be used to maintain heat for digester & potentially provide some excess power
- Low energy costs
- Very stable once established
- Less susceptible to heavy metals
- Smaller footprint
- Works best with concentrated COD wastes
- COD needs to be mostly fermentable materials (Fats & oils can cause problems in excess)
- Outside design temperature range conditions can stop methane formation
- More expensive to construct
- Does not remove nutrients (ammonia & phosphate)
This list is by no means exhaustive, what parameters can you see adding to the list?