What exactly is the EPS composition? Well it has been found to be:
- Polysaccharides
- Proteins
- Lipids
- Crude - seen in early growth phases, is not developed and often in free solution
- Capsular - attached tightly to the bacterial cell which forms the eventual floc
- Loosely bound - the EPS is weak, not forming tight bonds with bacterial cells. This is a function of charge density and EPS molecular weight.
- Tightly bound - EPS forms tight bonds with cells. In this case charges are a match between bacterial cells and EPS forming a dense floc.
- Slime - EPS has significant quantities of entrained water, grease, or fatty acids. This is the non-filamentous bulking condition.
- Dissolved Oxygen
- pH
- Temperature
- Oil & Grease - encapsulates and reduces floc density
- Toxic shocks - floc structure breaks down under severe shocks
- Nutrients - N, P - chronic low N & P can favor filaments, slime and loosely bound EPS
- Micro-nutrients - Fe, Ca, Mg, etc - sever lack of micronutrients can create loosely bound EPS