While I have long focused on treating wastewater, Aster Bio was asked to investigate if microbes could improve productivity in shrimp farms and reduce off-flavors in catfish farms. We looked at the wastes causing the pollution including ammonia/nitrite buildup. Additionally, we considered how beneficial microbes could enhance feed conversion and competitively exclude pathogenic microbes. After studying the problems and surveying ponds, we tested multiple formulations to see if adding microbes could changes pond ecology and enhance yields. The results are below:
- Reduction in cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) blooms that cause off-flavors by producing geosmin and MIB.
- Sludge buildup from feces and waste feed is reduced. Makes harvesting easier and improves pond ecology.
- By reducing pollution, animal stress is controlled resulting in increased survival and improved feed utilization.
- Competitive exclusion of pathogenic bacteria. Probiotic microbes helps stimulate a healthy immune systems and directly compete with pathogenic microbes found in intensive aquaculture ponds. This results in fewer disease problems and increased survival.