Nocardia over-growth is encouraged by the following:
- Long sludge age (MCRT) or low F/M
- High O&G or long chain fatty acids in the influent
- Usually seen at higher temperatures
- Aeration basins with subsurface weirs trap the Nocardia organisms in the foam inside the aeration basin
- Reduce F/M or MCRT
- Mechanically skim foam - which is wasting the concentrated Nocarida biomass
- Use water spray to "knockdown" the foam - some facilities have added chlorine to water spray to directly disrupt the nocardia organisms
- Prevent O&G from entering the aeration basin
- In the long run - selectors (anaerobic zones before aeration basin) can provide some control
- To some extent, bioaugmentation can keep the Nocardia population from blooming, but it is most effective when used before the bloom occurs. Make sure to use bioaugmentation products that can degrade long chain fatty acids and grease that is used by the slower growing Nocardia sp.